Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Two Blogs In One Day Can Never Bode Well.

I'm just going to warn you now, this is a venting blog. I need to get it out before I go insane.

I am so fucking sick of people assuming that I'm having sex with Trent.

I'll tell you the truth, right now. WE HAVE NOT HAD SEX. His penis has NOT, in fact, been inside of me. Is that blunt enough for you? Do you get it now?

I'm sick of it. Today, while at Trent's house, my mother came over to his house, declaring that she'd called his house phone three times, and since we didn't answer, we were obvious banging. Seth was home, of course, but when I told her this, she said "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Which of course made me angry as hell, so I told her I didn't appreciate her accusing me of things. Then she said she wasn't accusing me of anything. Which she was. Like she has been since we started going out. It took every ounce of self-control I possess to not scream, "I'm sorry that you're a whore who can't keep your pants on, but guess what? I'M NOT YOU."

I know this sounds teen angst, but anyone who's heard the story of my mother's epic fail can testify that I am not being overly dramatic. Seth was watching out the window and was even pissed enough to almost come out and argue with her, only he couldn't think of an argument that didn't start with the words "crazy cunt" or something like that. Mrs. Hansen came in at the end of the argument as my mom was storming off, and after seeing me almost in tears, was pretty pissed off too.

I don't understand my mom's issue. My dad lets me and Trent be alone at my house for hours. You know why? Because he knows I'm not fucking retarded, and that he can trust me to make smart decisions. My mom on the other hand, who fucks every guy she dates within a month, seems to think that I'd rather follow her completely retarded way of life. I don't know why. And I'm sorry I'm ranting about it.

It's just that sometime, enough is enough.

Also, today, I found out that some girl from Camp Lor-Ray LIED to Mulchuck's dad and said I spent all my time at Trent's camper. That was a huge, "WHAT THE FUCK" for me, since I never went to Trent's camper, except once to get a candy bar before the campers even got there. He came up to the dining hall to see me a few times, but that was it. So I might not get asked back to work there, thanks to this bitch. I don't know for sure who it was, but I have an inkling. There was only one girl there who didn't like me, for God knows what reason. Probably because her fling buddy for the past few summers flirted with me instead of her this year. Nevermind that I have Trent and wasn't interested in the least. It was her two-facedness that could drive me insane.

I think it's cause I got her junior counselor spot. Whatever. They screwed me on money. I'll just go work at Killarney, I'm sure it'll be more fun.

That's all I have to bitch about. In some good news, I got a job today =]I'm going to be doing some secretarial stuff for a doctor's office after school Mondays through Thrusdays. It's gonna be nice to finally have money. =]

So that's all. I'll try to not post two blogs in a day again, haha.


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