Monday, August 10, 2009


Really REALLY quick…

The jerks downstairs who promised I could use their internet decided to get a password protector on their net. Thanks, you greedy little bitches. So, ironically, my mom’s house is the only place I can get internet because I know the Charter default password. I can SOMETIMES get a very tenuous connection in my room from a Charter thing somewhere, but as was demonstrated last night, it dies often and never comes back (sorry about that, Farva). So until I can figure out how to get a consistent signal, there’s not really gonna be good blogs, unless I type it up on Word first (like I’m doing now) and copy paste it and SOMEHOW manage to get a connection long enough to post it. Hopefully, I can do that with this one…

So I’m really, really sorry, and trust me, I don’t like this one bit, because I need this blog to vent =[ But hopefully my father will get a wireless router when the home computer’s internet gets turned back on.



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