Sunday, June 21, 2009

are you going to live your life wondering, standing in the back, looking around?

It's been a loooooong time since I've bothered to write a blog about my life, since most of the people who are following it are just here for the lyrics (insert shout out to Entropy here). But since the last one was just me being pissy about my mom, and had shitty formatting to boot, I figure, hell, let's let everyone know what's up in the interesting (sometimes) life of Kayla.

I still haven't been up to much, but let me relate to you the funfilled story of last week (I can't remember the weekday, it's summer). Trent, soulmate extraordinaire, and I, decided to go for a walk around, oh I don't know, 8ish? We walked around for a long time, and ended up passing by my friend Tara's house, and I didn't even realize we were by her house till we were halfway in the street and Tara came running out to grab us. After a hug, we were invited into her house, so I could be used to show Tara's mom that facial piercings are not evil and unsightly. (Did I mention my lip is pierced now? oops.) Well, we ended up staying and talking about recent events, like the teacher cuts at school that I wrote "We are people not numbers" about, and the recent break-up of friend couple Amanda and Luke.

Somehow, it was brought up that we all wanted to go watch a movie. Or felt like going to a movie. So Tara ran to check movie listings, and lo and behold "UP" was playing at 9.25 PM. When this was realized, it was 9.11 PM After obtaining permission from all parental units, Tara, Trent, and I practically dove for the car, and had to make a quick stop off to kidnap our friend Lucas from his house, and drive away, passing Trent's house, where we stopped and attempted to kidnap our other friend who we call Mulchuck, but he was lame and didn't come with us. So, a little behind schedule, we set off, confident we'd only miss the previews. On the way there, we listened to a happy music mix made by yours truly, and had some epic driving music. We went to the wrong movie theatre at first, and then on the way to the correct one, nothing could have been more perfect than the song "Keasbey Nights" by Streetlight Manifesto.

If you don't know Streetlight, at least go YouTube that song, it's fucking good. Anyways, we ended up 20 minutes late, and STILL caught the last commercial and the cute short "Partly Cloudy" -- which gave Trent a heart attack, since he's deathly afraid of cotton and the clouds were so cottony, it just freaked him right the hell out. Anyways, the movie started, and Trent and Lucas made fun of some parts, I cried a total of three times, Tara cried a few times, we laughed a lot... I have to say, Russell talking about how he misses "the boring" times with his absentee dad, and how his dad used to be around a lot, and now is never there... Yeah. Reminded me too much of my mom. It was a little too close for comfort-- every time he talked about his dad I started crying. And then the scrapbook. I just lost it. And then I hear Trent, soulmate extraordinaire, lean over to Lucas and say, "They're both crying" and hear giggles. Oh well, he is a guy ;]

I ended up not getting home till almost midnight, and it was just that kind of day I needed to remind me I have the best group of friends alive and that we can have some goddamn fun if we need to! HELL YEAH. Anyways. Moving on.

Yesterday, I had to go to a surprise birthday party for my grandma at my cousin Anne Marie's house, and that was sufficiently awkward. Lots of family I didn't remember. Lots of people giving me and Trent a hard time. But the blissful calm time when it was just me and Trent in the pool was nice. It was quiet. The water was cold, but not after you got used to it. And it was nice to be floted around in his arms. I could easily spend the rest of my life in his arms and never get tired of it.... Okay. Sorry. SAP SPAM! I ate lots of brownie cake concoction there, then I had to go and babysit for my stepmom's cousin Mandy, who pierced my lip for free on the condition I babysit free a few times. It was only Kennedy, the baby, who should've been easy, right? Especially since she was sleeping when I got there.


She woke up, and while I was unaware, watching the history channel like a total n3rd 61rl, she decided to take off her poopy diaper and get it all over her crib. After I cleaned that up, she decided she didn't want to go to bed, and was up with me until midnight when I left, running around and shit... Would've been fun if I wasn't totally, utterly exhausted from a week without sleep. Haha, speaking of not sleeping, it's 12.40 AM and I'm listening to the "Audrey, Wait!" soundtrack that I FrostWired all the songs to...

Which remind me. Go read the book "Audrey, Wait!" by Robin Benway, it's rad. I read it four or more times over the course of this year, and picked it up at Barnes and Nobles today, and got halfway through. Note to self: just buy the damn book when you have money. Anyways, I went on Robin Benway's site, and saw the whole list of songs that made up the chapter titles was on there, so I downloaded all the songs and made a playlist on my Zune. So I'll be jammin' to Audrey for a good while.

Hmmm. I think this post has been long enough. Here, I will leave you with some parting gifts. Video links, pictures, and a book website, OH MY! Haha. Peace out guys.

PRINCESS PIC (girly wut) (Keasbey Nights-- you thought I forgot!) (KN sequel -- "Point/Counterpoint") (book website) (The XYZ Affair does their own version of the song in the book)



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