Saturday, July 4, 2009

Leave the edge and fly, we're finally alive!

Oh where to start... Since I last posted a life blog, some interesting things have happened, mostly this week. Wednesday night, I went with Trent to see "Year One", which, if you don't know, if the prehistoric comedy with Jack Black and Michael Cera. I thought it was pretty funny, but I love JB and MC, so I might be a littttttle biased. Oh, and Juno Temple! She is such a cutie, and I hadn't seen her in anything since "Atonement", so it's nice to know she's getting somewhere. One of the best lines from the whole thing: "This girl is no longer a virgin! I, uh, I saved her with my lovemaking!" xD

Saw another movie last night with Trent and our friend Luke: "Public Enemies". Also a clear winner, I mean, look who's in the lead role. Johnny Depp, that man can DO NO WRONG. And he's gorgeous. Christian Bale was there too, and thankfully, did not use the gravelly, annoying as hell Batman/Terminator voice. I probably would have killed something if he'd broken out with that voice. Haha. But yeah, the acting is fantastic, the action is good, and I thought it was well worth the ticket prize. Ooh, fun times beforehand too, I'm still not 17, so Trent devised a plan to sneak me in-- he bought my ticket while I went ahead to the bathroom. I guess they wanted me to come back with an ID, but he told them I didn't have my purse, and they just let it go "this time"... haha. WIN!

In other news, the drama between Evanescence and We Are The Fallen continues. I actually had a guy from EvThreads like stalk me to YouTube and call me a hypocrite for leaving comments on the video and still want the drama to stop. And then he said I'm antagonizing Amy Lee. By telling the truth... oh man. Well, I hope it made him feel better to lyk ttly pwn meh on the Internet-- I mean seriously, who has time for that shit? I'm still not even sure how he found out it was my YouTube account; I don't remember linking to it on EvThreads recently... Damn, he must have really been on a mission. Kind of creepy. Once again, this is the kind of kid who makes rant videos on YouTube and thinks that people care, so I'm not too worried about it. I'll just be content with my life in the real world, as opposed to the Interwebz. (Trent got a huge kick out of this too-- so I think we all should.)

Right now, I'm just kind of chilling, listening to the "Please Look Up When You're Down" mix I made for Marinda, and then expanded for Amanda... It's a good one, I like the happy vibe. A few songs you should totally check out from it: "Stars In Your Eyes" by Armor For Sleep, "A Praise Chorus" by Jimmy Eat World, and "Capital H" by Motion City Soundtrack. I need to make myself a couple more mixes, all the ones I've got are a little overplayed right now. Which is strange, because I have 34 of them >.> but a bunch of them are from earlier this year, so I guess it makes sense.

Oh yeah, something I should address-- today is the 4th of July. In 1776 we declared independence from Britain... And guess where we are now. Our economy is shit, everyone born after 2000 is going to have diabetes, obesity is at an all time high, the divorce rate is around 60% still, I think, and celebrities are dropping like flies... I wonder what the revolutionaries would think of us, honestly. I know that I'm not exactly proud to be an American very often-- what have we done that's good recently? Um, let's see, war, shitty president who is STILL keeping secrets from us, more and more accumlative debt we will NEVER pay off... I have to wonder, when will our empire end? When will we be one of the great civilizations they study in history books? If we continue on like this, that's how it's going to go... I'm moving to New Zealand or Taiwan, seriously... haha. Think about that a bit. I don't believe in blind patriotism. Believe in your morals and our rights-- and then be patriotic when our country manages to match these.

On a less serious note, I fuckin love me some fireworks. Hopefully I'll remember my camera AND my memory card to get some good pictures-- that "fireworks" setting on my camera should be good for something. And with that, I have to be off, good people. It's semi-nice out, I'm wearing my awesome Panic at the Disco shirt, and I'm hungry and ready to DO SOMETHING. =D

Have a good one. Peace out~


At July 4, 2009 at 9:21 PM , Blogger bearded one said...

First off, Christian Bale wasn't the Terminator; that was Arnold Schwarzenagger. And if you want non-Batman voice, check out NEWSIES!!!


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