Monday, August 3, 2009

take this pink ribbon off my eyes!

Gwen Stefani hasn't said a lot of relevant things on her own (anyone remember, IF I HAD ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD I'D BE A WEALTHY GIRL or whatever the fuck that was?), but when she was in No Doubt, the girl had something to say. "I'm just a girl, that's all that you'll let me be." Listening to that song, it kinda struck me... It's freaking TRUE. When you're a girl... you're a girl. It doesn't matter what you do... you're a girl. Like, think of it like this. Men, you get to be singers, writers, artists, plumbers, drivers... when we do those things, we're "girl singers", "girl writers". Like that has any relevancy to what we do.

I'm not a feminist, so I'll stop right here. But it's just some interesting thoughts I had. Moving on.


That's right. Detroit Rock City showed everyone in hte whole country up again, because honestly, it wouldn't be a concert in Michigan if we didn't get told at least once that we're the best stop on the whole tour. Hell, I can't think of a SINGLE concert I've been to where that didn't happen... every band find us to be freaking rad. I can't really describe to you how amazing it was. Suffice to say, we got to watch A Skylit Drive perform from backstage, I got a picture with Jag, I almost died during Chiodos, and found out I like ska more than I thought I did. I'm not going to post all the pics (there's like, 60), but here are some of my faves.

Yeah. It was an ace day. =D

Other things. I'm thinking about putting my HathxKodak project on the back burner for now... And continuing with a sort-of-sci-fi thing... It's not really sci-fi... It's more along the lines of comic book super heroes...that aren't really heroes. There's an accurate description of it on my MySpace page-- check it out if you're interested. I believe the link is still on the side of this page. If not, um, message me or something. All y'all following this are my friends on Facebook, I believe (most of you, anyways) I'm excited about it. If I could just find the inspiration to write something that wasn't about myself (blogspot never suffers from my extreme writer's block, I'm sure you're all like, 'what are you talking about, you never shut up!' haha)

I'm going to admit it right now, so I can write a blog about it later (Trent may kill me for this). I AM GOING TO AN ANIME CONVENTION NEXT WEEKEND. Depending on your mind set, you either won't care, or you think I'm fuckin weird, but I don't careeee. Cause guess what? Animes have better plots than most of the real-time shows America has ever created. Don't believe me? Check it out, bitch. (Yeah, I'm a little defensive) I'm what we'd call... and otaku. (nerd) I have never had a problem admitting that I love manga and anime, until Trent made it sound like I was fucking crazy for liking it. He's been making fun of me nonstop since I told him I might be going, and even moreso when I told him, yes, I'm going to shell out $15 bucks and a four hour drive to Traverse City to do this. I get to meet Tamaki's voice actor and watch parts of the new Neon Genesis Evangelion movie though, so it's so worth it. Now I just have to actually finish watching NGE... and get those damned DVDs back to Luke... haha.

I have new music recommendations for you guys! I haven't done that in a bit, other than to practically force feed you some Streetlight Manifesto awhile back. I've been digging some Anti-Flag lately, and that little No Doubt kick, plus, the tried and true Chiodos love continues. "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" just came on (playlist ftw) and that always makes me want to dance. You should all DEFINITELY check out the band TAT. They've got a nice little MySpace page, and they've got some coolness vibe going for them. Frontwoman Tatiana can own a crowd, accroding to Seth, who was lucky enough to catch them at Warped while I was dying in a Chiodos moshpit. Anyways, I'm beast at making playlists (ask Tara), so if you ever want a CD, let me know, and I can make your a mix, and if I can't get you a CD, at least tell you what tracks to download in what order. =]

I've gotta get going. I'm gonna try to do something semi-productive. Maybe I'll at least write some lyrics and post those up here-- The last song I did was.... let's see, I think it was "Hakuun and Kuzan", but don't quote me on that. Haha. Peace out, guys!



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