Friday, August 21, 2009

it's not a war, no, it's not a rapture!

Okay, so my last blog probably didn't leave anyone with warm, fuzzy feelings. Sorry about that. I promise that this time around, I'm talking about some better things. It's quarter to eight in the morning, and I'm sitting here, waiting for it to be time to go to my job. It's a job I enjoy, actually, it's fairly easy, it's just a little monotonous. And I'm terrified for when I have to fit everything I've been doing in three hours into like... two. At most. SCARY! haha.

Yesterday I was talking with a girl from my roleplaying site. We had recently discovered that we both have a character named Julian. Which isn't weird in and of itself, but somehow, we ended up with the same pictures for him from Model Mayhem. There's like 578453388346 people on MM and somehow, we got the same name, same pics. Luckily, the characters are nothing alike, otherwise I'd probably be getting bitched out for stealing. But you know. Crazy shit happens. This really has nothing to do with anything, it's just a fun little story.

Speaking of my roleplaying site, I got to talk to my friend Kara from there on the phone last night. ^^; We talked for a couple hours before I had to go to bed (and get up at 7, ew), and it was nice. She's really like, the only internet person I'd consider meeting in real life, so it was nice to hear a voice to matc with the face and IMs and excellent story writing. Haha. I know, it sounds silly and riskous, but when you've known this person for like, seven months, and are friends on all manner of social networking sites, it's not that hard to figure out she's legit. xD But whatevs. I love my Karakins.

I was actually supposed to kind of work on my book yesterday, but I... yeah. Trent's laptop (which I'm on right now) doesn't support .wps files, so I can't open them, and it's a bit of a bummer. Once I'm on a roll, I'm not good at stopping and skipping to some other spot. I had had in mind that I would just go pen the story of Kodak's dramatic falling out with his friend-turned-enemy Asher Curry, but like I said. I was on a roll in chapter seven, and I can't just skip to chapter eight.

What really exciting is that after chapter eight, the focal point of the book is in chapter nine. I've had the page for that written since January, when I started this project. It was the first thing I ever wrote, and I'm finally close to being able to copy paste it from my "stuff for later" document into the actual story. That is an AMAZING feeling, one I wasn't quite sure I was going to get for a while. Once I get my laptop back, and I'm home again where there's still no internet, I think it's going to take over my life. And you better believe I'm going to be taking my laptop to school a hell of a lot more. I'm working with a deadline, dammit.

Okay not really. It's my "I promised Tara I'd do my best to be done by Halloween" deadline. It was originally set for my birthday (Sept. 24th) but I figured giving myself the extra week would be a good idea... Hmm. Yeah, as soon as I'm home, I gotta get moving, because I just realized that's like, a moneth and a have, and i still have a good 15/20,000 words to go. Shitttt. Haha. But you saw that I at least have all the chapter titles figured out, well enough to pull together the OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK (-confetti-), so I might just maybe be okay.

On a totally different subject, Trent and I built a fort in his basement last night, consisting of six well placed blankets, some folding chairs, and a couple hand held weights. It made me happy! Haha. It took me back to my childhood. It was a warm cozy litle fort, but I think Seth took it own =[ Or it "deconstructed itself", according to Trent, but it's more fun to think that I can punch Seth in the head for destroying my childlike whimsy. (That isn't very whimsical. Oh well, fuck it. hehe.)

Trying to play Wii Bowling over that thing was kinda hard anyways.

I don't really have anything else to say. School's starting soon. I'm an employed woman. I might actually have a book finished BEFORE I go to college to learn to write better so I can get books published. Do me a favor-- if you see me in six years and I haven't done any writing, yell at me. Make me remember my dreams, because adults have a tendency to forget their dreams after college, and I refuse to be one of them.

Also, damn, if I'm still in Michigan, get me a plane ticket to ANYWHERE.



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