Monday, May 11, 2009

Tell Me Where Our Time Went And If It Was Time Well Spent;

Why hello blogging world. It's been a good few days since I've updated this. Some good things have happened, and as I said in my last blog, I'm still counting on the sun to shine, even if I'm a little bit stressed out right now. I'm listening to a Paramore mix I made myself at the moment. I'll explain that in a moment or so. Right now, things are going wonderfully-- our drama club lock-in on Friday was a success, I finally got to see "Let The Right One In" and Thursday will mark that I have been with the love of my life for three months. I'll take these things in order for discussion.

First. Paramore mood. YES. Something has finally ousted the Something Corporate obsession of doom muffins. haha. Today, after morning chapel, my friend Glenn was kind enought to ask me to sing for his band when they cover the song "Pressure" for something or other. I agreed, and even thought I'm nervous as hell about it, I'm sure it'll be a fun time. Peter, Glenn, and Gersh, the guys in said band, are a good group of guys. Despite that Peter calls me a "devilish woman" since, for a while, my hair was dyed black, and Glenn keep using backward logic to tell people that I'm gay for having a boyfriend. Despite my being a girl. Haha. They're good guys-- just jokesters, you know? =] Anyways, I'm excited for the opportunity they've present me with. It'll be a fun time, I'm sure. As long as my voice doesn't give out, or I don't just suck in general. xD If there's ever a video recorded of it, I'll put it up here, provided it's not shittttt.

Moving on. COURT STREET PLAYERS LOCK IN!!! Every year, we the drama club gather in the chapel of my school, and have a fun filled night of theatre-related activites, food, music, movies, and blah blah from 9 at night till 7 in the morning. This year's lock-in was in part organized by yours truly, and I was in charge of music and a minion for food. After making a 51 song playlist which I lovingly titled "The Lock-in Playlist of Bitchin-ness", and hauling my ZuneHome to school to play it on, I was commisioned to scoop meat for out walking Frito tacos. There was a continuous supply of coffee all night, which kept me up till ALMOST five in the morning, until the put in "The Producers" and I fell asleep like a rock. >w> Such is life. When I woke up I was a little sick from all the coffee, tired on the hour and a half of sleep I got, ready to leave. And pee. Haha. I tried to crash at Trent's house, which had been approved the day before, but the door was locked, and I didn't realize I COULD in fact ring the doorbell at seven in the morning, cause he and his brother like me so much and his parents weren't home. EPIC FAIL. Oh well. Such is life. Again. xD

"Let The Right One In" is a Swedish movie. It was adapted from the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, and let me tell you, it was fantastic. Most people would hate listening to a foreign language while reading subtitles, but I find it charming. I hate dubs. More than anything. Which is why when watching anime, I always choose the subtitled option, just like this one. Not the point. The two young people playing Eli and Oskar were brilliant. Even though Oskar's bad haricut reminded me of my little brother's old bad haircut. And Eli's eyes were freaking huge! The only thing I didn't like was that the movie didn't deal with Eli's gender. SPOILER COMING!!!! [spoiler]In the beginning, she is presented as a girl, but later, she is revealed to be a boy, who was castrated by her vampire master hundreds of years ago. There are a few subtle hints, such as Eli asking "would you like me if I wasn't a boy?" and a suggestive scar when Eli is changing into a dress as one point.[/spoiler] Okay. Let's see. What else can I tell you.

Ah yes. My last topic. Trent and I will have been going out for three months on Thursday. It seemed like three hundred, to me. Like I've been with him forever. He is everything I need in life, the filler for every missing piece I never knew I had. He's my soulmate, plain and simple. I know I sound like every other teenage girl, but I don't care. I know what I feel and all that good stuff. Don't worry. Haha. He's a good person, the best I know. Singlehandedly the biggest fluke of my life, but a good one. I have Tara and Hilde to thank for getting us together. I'm eternally grateful. They really have no idea how much I owe them. <3

All righty. I'm off to try and do productive things. Maybe write some roelplaying replies, or my book. Or maybe I'm just gonna go look at the website for passive agressive notes again, and hit the stumble button. I could go for some food right now, that's for sure. Catch you later. I'm gonna try and write some lyrics tonight and put them up here.



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