Wednesday, April 8, 2009

People, Faces, and Thoughts

Reading through people's facebook and myspace statuses on my home page for both website never ceases to amaze me. In different ways. Right now, this is what's really bothering me. I have a whole lot of questions, ones I'm not asking for answers to. They're most rhetorical questions, or thoughtful questions... I just wonder, you know?

Why do people feel the need to absolutely destroy each other?
Why do people lie to each other abot everything and anything they can?
What is the point of having two faces?
Which one are you, and when do you cease to exist at all, because you're too caught up in being someone you're not?
Why do we fight and scream and rage at each other over the internet, instead of talking like real people?

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, it's just a musing on what I've been observing. There are people that I think I know and love, and then someone else tries to tell me they're horrible. There are people I think I don't want to know and hate, and then someone tells me they're a good person and I'm completely wrong. And always, ALWAYS, there are people who will not show who and what they really are. Why? I don't know. I would rather be myself and not have anyone then be a fake and have everyone. Because when it comes down to it, "everyone" becomes "no one" pretty damn quick after they find our you're lying.

There comes a point where bullshit is no longer acceptable.
A time comes in life when fake smiles and fake friends won't cut it.
You're on top of the world now, but when you get out in the real world, your imaginary world is gonna crash and burn.
That's just the way it is. We're in high school. Of course people are going to pander to your bullshit.
Just remember that eventually, you will have to answer for what you've done.
I mean, take a look around...

Every myspace bulletin I read through, when asked about life, I'm the only person I've seen who consistently answers that life is good. People leave their shattered emotions lying around everywhere, little glittery pieces for the rest of us to step on and feel. If I could, I would help every single one of them. But most of them don't want help, or think they don't anyways. It's my opinion that if someone leaves hints about how badly they're hurting all over the internet, they want help, but there are a number of times I've tried to say something, only to be told to mind my own business.


It hurts me to see all these people I know having such problems. It makes my little savior complex issue go insane. It makes me feel all the attachment I have to these people go away, and then the rejected feeling rips me apart. Sometimes I wish I could hide from it, but fuck, I can't even do that. It's everywhere. Every fucking place I turn. That's why I'm afraid to get a twitter-- I can't handle that shit alllll the time.

The point is that it sucks to be the listener and the helper...
When no one wants to talk and everyone thinks they can help themselves.
Could you all do me a favor, and just step back and take a deep breath?
Remember that we are young.
Hell, we're KIDS.
High school is supposed to be a time for us to act like adults, and still get to be kids, you know?
Run around till all hours, but still have a home to go to, and parents to take care of us.
Instead, we're insisting on taking care of ourselves, and just making everything so much more complicated than to has to be.
Take this small piece of advice, if you're going to take anything away from this:

In ten years, none of this will matter anymore. We'll all look back and wonder what the big deal was. After all, this is our youth. Let's not fuck it all up by acting too grown up, okay?

[[this isn't meant to hurt anyone.]]
[[this isn't directed at any single person.]]
[[these are just my feelings and my worries.]]
[[feel free to ignore them and go about your merry way.]]
[[i'm here for you.]]
[[don't ever forget it.]]


At April 8, 2009 at 8:52 PM , Blogger bearded one said...

If people listened to this song and took it to heart, I think we'd be a lot better off.


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