Thursday, April 30, 2009

Come On Sweet Catastrophe!

Yes. The Something Corporate binge continues. Sadly, I've been listening to the same fifteen songs, because I'm too lazy to download their entire anthology at the moment. The past few days have been...eventful, to say the least. I helped decide my future. I had an audition that made my knees knock. LITERALLY. People are still uploading prom photos, still making me smile. As soon as I get my own pictures, the promised prom speech will be uploaded. If you even care. Anyways. Let's talk about what's going down.

Point number one. Deciding my future. I had my meeting about what electives I want next year, and college and all that. The kindly Professor was awesome enough to give me a Twizzler, and I got out of fifteen minutes of Spanish. I decided to drop piano classes next year-- my parents don't really know that, but what the hell. I love playing piano, don't get me wrong. It's just that I hate being graded on it, and I don't want to play things I don't want to play. I'll teach myself how to play 5438954396738673097 Evanescence songs, damn it! And Tchaikovsky is on my to do list. Haha. YEAH BABY. I was comissioned to write a seperate blog for the school website. Note to self. Stop writing Coffee Shop and work on School Blog. I'm going to finish out this year, then do it all next year. In my senior will, I guess I can will the blog to someone. Probably Christy-- she's a writer... Ha. But yeah. The atmosphere for the School Blog will be much different. It's a recruting tool. Meaning HOLY MOTHER FUCKING CENSORSHIP. Obviously. Conservative Lutheran High School FTW. (for the win.) haha.

Let's talk about that knee knocking audition. At my school, music is a huge fucking deal. Freshman and Sophomores are required to be in choir, and Juniors and Seniors audition for three things: Concert Choir, Chapel Choir, and Chimes/Bells. (juniors to handchimes, seniors do handbells) Concert Choir is a big deal. They travel arond and sing at churchs. They have fancy robes. They go on tour over spring break. They're a big. fucking. deal. Most people want to be in that group, myself included. Chapel Choir is a step down (kind of the reject choir, but still talented-- more so than the public school kids, for sure.) I'm in Chapel Choir this year. We sing in Chapel and don't do much other than be a singing group around school. Chimes/Bells is for those who can't or won't sing. Plain and simple.

So these auditions are scary as hell. You go into the choir room and are faced with the two choir directors. Never mind they're the nicest peopel ever. They become terrifying. You sing the first verse of "Beautiful Savior" in your designated voice (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and then do some sight reading. Alone. No accompaniament. SCARYYYYYY! I did okay for the song. It's sight reading I fail at. I can sing. I can blend. But I can't sing something I've never heard, I'm a play it by ear kind of girl. So after that was done that day, I was pretty much exhausted with the whole "deciding about next year" shit. Choir results are out on Monday. I'm not to worried about it-- I like being in Chapel Choir. Concert Choir would be cool, but I'm not going to be concerned about it. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. Last year, it was a huge fucking deal, but this year? Hey man, I'm chill. Haha.

My ongoing addiction to Something Corporate continues. "Hurricane" is fast becoming a favorite. It'll never trump "Konstantine" but hey. I found sheet music for "K" but it's 19 pages long and we are, alas, out of ink. One day. I shall play that song and sing to my heart's content. Haha. Never mind that it's abotu a girl. It's still fucking beautiful. (On a non-SoCo note, I also found good sheet music for "Existentialism on Prom Night" YAY!)

Also today, I became disillusioned with Amanda Palmer. She sent out the weekly newsletter, detailing that today is her birthday. Then she said that Jesus didn't accomplish much, John Lennon fails at life, and continued on to ask us to send her songs and albums to our friends who don't know "Amanda Fucking Palmer". She still hasn't shaved her armpits, btdubs, and is still a very loud supporter of Barack Obama. WHO IS FAILING SO EPICLY, I might point out. She's on the track downnnn. I miss the Dresden Dolls. Solo projects fucking blow.

But yeah. Such is life. Too bad I can't listen to music if I don't like the person making the music. I wish I could just ignore that, but I can't. Ever heard of Shaun Morgan? Seether? Hate em. Liked the song "Broken" (mostly cause Amy Lee was in it) and kinda was into them for awhile, until Amy and Shaun broke up, and he whined all over the press when "Call Me When You're Sober" came out. And he never shuts up about South fucking Africa. WE GET IT THAT YOU'RE FROM THERE, DUDE. Go pretend to be Kurt Cobain THERE.

All right. Mini rant over. Haha. That was pretty bad. Oh well. I think that's about all I have for you lovely people today. In parting, I bestow upon you a funny picture of me and the love of my life (surely you remember Trent? How could you forget? I mention him so often. haha)


At May 9, 2009 at 6:45 PM , Blogger bearded one said...

... What's that in his hair?


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