Sunday, April 26, 2009

The World Could Be Burning Dark Blue

So. It's been a little while since I've updated this, and to anyone who is actually out there reading this, I apologize. Life's been a little crazy lately, hectic and busy. You can blame the love of my life for that, too. haha. I owe roleplaying replies, too, and I have to write some lyrics, before I go insane. I used to write all my lyrics in history class, but I write notes to Trent now, instead. Our teacher is a drunken fool, so there's no point in listening to him. But anyways. On to the things I'd really actually like to talk about and accomplish in this post.

Last night was prom. Well, not really. At our school it's called "junior/senior banquet", because we're a christian school, and "prom" sends a bad message. Because OBVIOUSLY changing the name will make kids less likely to fuck each other's brains out. xD Come on, governing board, you should know better than THAT... But anyways. I was the junior speaker for the banquet, meaning I had to give a speech, which was rather nerve wracking. I'll probably post it up here eventually, cause I'm actually kind of proud of the thing. I had a few people tell me it was really good, which made me feel a whole lot better about the whole thing. Especially since mine was sentimentel, as opposed to Lucas's (the senior spealer) which was kind of just going for laughs the whole time.

The dinner was nice. I was on the planning committee for the whole thing, so I knew what we were having, and the good thing is we actually picked good food! Two of the seniors, Rachel and Aaron, sang a song that Aaron wrote called "More Than Words" and it was seriously amazing. I'm waiting for the video to go on Facebook-- I'll link to it when I post my prom speech later. =] You'll be stunned, I hope, cause it was amazing. Then after all the entertainment and stuff was over, they started playing music, and surprisingly, started out with slow songs. I like dancing slow songs, especially now that the person I'm dancing them with is special. Yeah, that's right, there's no way I could get through a blog without mentioning Trent at least a billion times, I'm sorry. But hey. He looked good. I'll get some pictures of that up eventually. We got professional ones taken, but scanned pictures never look as good as the digital ones, so I'll wait to borrow my stepmom's memory card and put some pictures up. Anyways. About dancing. I even got Trent to dance with me during fast songs, which was awesome. Haha. Have you ever seen a bunch of white Lutheran kids, plus some Korean exchange students, trying to ghetto dance to "Sexy Can I"? It's interesting to say the least.

But of course, eventually, the night came to an end. I didn't go to an after party, and neither did the love of my life. I had accomplished my mission for the night, to ninja a picture of my friends Luke and Amanda, who are ALLLLLMOST dating and should be... But yeah. I got it. I had an awesome time. My hair was cool looking, thanks to my wonderful stepmom. My hair is a little burnt out today because of it though-- two hours of curling, half a bottle of hairspray, some gel, two shampooings to get it all our, conditioning, then striaghtening it today? Maybe not the smartest choice. Haha. But it was worth it. It'll fix itself in the coming days, I'm sure. I'll just keep putting the Hydrasilk stuff in it.

All righty. So. Warpping up-- prom rocked. Plain and simple. I was worried it was gonna be a little lame, like Homecoming or Sadie Hawkins, but nope. And I was there with the guy I love, which made it better than anything. =]

Peace out guys. Hope you're having as good of a time in life as I am right now.


p.s.-- lately, I've been listening to a lot of Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate (they're KIND of the same thing...) You shuld check them out.


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