Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nobody, Not Even The Rain

Today, I had a wonderful day. If you've been reading along, you know that today was the epic Chinese meal outing. It was a good time, and Trent and I finally got to finish 21 Grams, which we've been trying to do since Sadie Hawkins back in February. Which is a little ridiculous, I know, but it was worth it. All I have to say is that it made me laugh at one point, and cry at another. If you ever watch it, beware of the shoelace comment. That sent me over the edge. But it kind of just proved to me that I really do love Naomi Watts as an actress. Haha.

Anyways. Other good things are happening. I'm finally getting minutes of my cellphone. They'll probably be gone very soon, but oh well. It's nice to have them...and the purpose for finally getting them makes me immeasurably happy. My dad finally said that I can go to the La Dispute house show on Saturday, because it's NOT in a bad part of town, as we previously believed. Instead, it's out in farm country, and perfectly safe. Well, as safe as you can get in this world, I guess. And he even offered to drive Trent and I there if the ride with my friends Cassie and Johnna falls through. To be honest, I'll probably end up riding with my dad, since he said he'd prefer it. I don't care. As long as we're there. I've only been to big concerts. Well, not necessarily BIG... but you know what I mean. I've been dying to go to a house show for a while now.

Also, tomorrow, I get to see my cousin Marlee. She's one of my favorite people alive, and I haven't seen her since Christmas, and there's just so much shit that I have to tell her. Everything in my life right now, the best things, have all happened in that span of time, and Facebook chat just doesn't cut it when we're talking about love and friends and drama. She's in college, so I try not to burden her too much with the high school drama-- hell, I don't even like the high school drama, but sometimes, you just have to vent a little, you know? As you saw in my last blog post, I'm one of those people who's a little preachy on the subject, but it's important to me that peopl realize what they're DOING. No one THINKS before they hurt. It's not till after the damage is done that people even realzied they've caused pain.

Which is really sad I think. I find it easy to get along with almsot every person in my school, and I can still find it in me to be civil and friendly to those who aren't my favorite. It's not that hard; it's human decency, for God's sake... And we're supposed to be a CHRISTIAN school too. That's right. I go to a private Christian high school, and let me tell you, we're as bad as a public school, we just don't have the gangs and the violence. But trust me-- those idiots can do just as much pot and booze and have just as much sex as every public school kid. Which is a bummer, because people buy into the illusion that these people are somehow better than the others. Fuck, most of the bad kids think they're still better than everyone else, because they have the school's reputation and their parents' money to hide behind.

Wow. That wasn't really supposed to happen, that little mini-rant I apologize. Once I get started, it's hard to stop. Haha.

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is college. My parents want me to go learn to be a WELS teacher, but I'm coming to the conclusion that that's not where I'm meant to be. I want to be an author, or a journalist, hell, maybe even a poet. I don't know. I need to write to survive, I know that much. Being a WELS teacher would mean that I would have to censor my every thought, and I couldn't handle that. I can't even handle the censorship I'm under now, with my stepmom semi-stalking me on Facebook and MySpace. So having to mince all of my words to conform to a Christian ideology? I believe in God. I love God. I love the ideology. But it's not real life. The things I write about do not necessarily fit into a Christian genre, and how could I live, always worried about losing my job because of a word badly taken? No. That's not the life for me, I think.

But that place is one of the cheapest, and has good courses. The catch is that you've got to be a teacher when you're done. And I don't think I want that. Sure, I could teach writing... but it would never be the same, and the censorship problem still exists. I'm thinking of a liberal arts school in Grand Rapids. Who knows, there are a few good places around the GR area. Plus, that's where all the local Michigan music is. Which for me, is a big deal, cause I need music to survive, you know. I've mentioned that.

Well. This has been an interesting post, I think. Some whimsy, some seriousness, a little mini-rant about life thrown in there. I'm gonna wrap it up now. Wish me luck on getting my new jeans tomorrow, by the way. Haha. Hopefully my size will still be on the sale rack!! Oh, and pray for me not to die in someone's basement in a mosh pit at La Dispute. Peace, guys. Thanks for reading.



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