Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Can Count On The Sun To Shine~

I made my friend Anna a pretty kickass mix CD, full of screamo and pop punk and indie and all sorts of goodness. I'm listening to it right now, and the lyrics to this All Time Low song hit me. It's called "Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last For A Night)", and even though everyone is bitching about the immaturity of ATL and how they sound the same as every pop punk band since Fall Out Boy, it's not true. These guys have a lot of lyrical maturity that gets over looked by the public, because the public generally chooses to just hear what's played on MTV or FUSE and call it good. There's a reason bands make whole albums, people. Listen to the whole thing and you'll find things out.

Anyways. REPORT. The Foolish Grins came to a nice little coffee shop in my town. You probably haven't heard of them-- they're a Michigan band that I found randomly back when they were still just called "Chris and Kayla". They're kind of an acoustic indie deal, with male and female vocals. Both of them play guitar, and both of them have really beautiful voices. I'd been asking them to come to Saginaw for upwards of a year, and finally, FINALLY they came, which made me so happy! They started at seven, and played until about nine-thirty, with a nice mix of original songs and covers. And they only played a few songs twice to cover their time slot, so it all went just fine. I talked to Chris a little after the show, and we generall thanked each other for coming to the shop, and he promised they'd be coming back, which makes me happy. If Saginaw could have a music scene, everything about this town that sucks could maybeeee get pushed under the rug. Next time, I'll be buying a CD, for sure. I also stole their poster off the door as we left. xD But I figured the shop was just gonna take it down and throw it away anyways, so I might as well have it, right?

Last night, after the show, there was one more adventure to be had. We all went over to Wal-Mart, which is across the street from the coffee shop where TFG were playing. After wandering around for about a half hour, getting seperated from each other several times, hankering for food, and realizing that people who don't have cellphones should stay with those who do, we all piled back into Amanda's jeep. The night came to an end after dropping Trent off, (who was wearing his bitchin new sunglasses from Wal-Mart that I helped pick out) and getting dropped off myself.

When I got home, that's when I realized something was horribly wrong. I'd been at the show with Trent, the love of my life, Amanda, my best friend, and Marybeth, my sister in Christ (inside joke). However, while we'd been gone, Trent had gone from being a straight male dating me to a gay male trying to date AK, a guy at our school. xD Seth, the charming older brother of the love of my life, had hacked Trent's account, changed his status, broken up with me, tried to get AK to be in a relationship with Trent and generally just called mayhem.... It's refreshing to know that our 20-somethings have such prodcutive things to do. It didn't help that our other friend Paul was there, probably egging Seth on. xD Oh well. It's funny-- You've gotta have a sense of humor about these things, you know?

I've never mentioned this on the blog yet. But I have a terrible mother. She's honestly one of the worst people alive. I live with my dad and my stepmom, so I don't have to put up with her much, thank God, but still. It was "her" weekend this weekend. Every time I go to her house (or wait, my GRANDMA'S house, cause my mom's a 40 year old bum) all that happens is I sit around, no one talks to me, except for to yell at me, criticize my clothing, or accuse me of having sex with Trent. All of which are ridiculous, and highly insulting. I'm sick of it, and next year, when I'm done with school, my mom can expect to get a big middle finger, that's for sure. Anyways, she called like ten times last night, wondering where I was, accusing me of LYING when I said that my stepmom was home with me, calling my dad, telling him some bullshit, and once again, accusing me of having sex with Trent, but not in so many words. She's a subtle bitch, that's for sure. I know this all must sound like teen angst, and I'm sorry, but you're all going to have to hear more about my mom in the future, I'm sure, but this goes beyond that. There's a melting pot of past baggage that goes with this, that turns every move she makes into an underhanded, bitch move that juts shows how ignorant she is. She has warped past events in her own mind, turning them into some sick, twisted version of life that never happened.

Sorry for that to be such a bummer. I'm just going to remember the title of this blog. "I can always count on the sun to shine" -- things will be done with her soon. I have me friends. I have my dad and Jen, my stepmom. There's my siblings, and then, most importantly, there's my friends. And Trent. Who is the best person I know. I refuse to let one selfish, ignorant person to ruin things for me. -breathes- All right. This has been a good release for me, to rant about her a little bit. Sorry you have to read all of it, haha. But thank you for doing so. Whoever you are. =]



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