Friday, May 1, 2009

What Heights Of Love, What Depths Of Peace, When Fears Are Stilled, When Strivings Cease.

Yes, those are Jesus lyrics. My favorite hymn of all time "In Christ Alone". It's horribly underrated and was just added into the WELS hymnal supplement this year. Why did I choose Jesus lyrics? Because today, I found out that I made the Concert Choir. I'm still so happy. After a few days of anxious anticipation, the big news came. After chapel, our vice president was giving the announcements, and uttered the fateful words: "For sophomores and juniors-- the choir results are up." Needless to say, the crowding of the hallway around the bulletin board was ridiculous. Being 5'2" I coudln't see anything. I started yelling that I hate all tall people, when my friend Alyssa was like "KAYLA YOU MADE IT!" My first thought was that she was kidding. And let me tell you, if she had been, there would have been bloodshed. That's the worst joke to tell someone at our school. Of course, I had to see for myself, so I just shoved all the stupid tall people; fuck em, they can look over my head. And right there, underneath the first alto line, was my name. In print. There was this surreal moment where things were quiet, despite the loudness, and then my eyes were tearing up. My friend Amanda was screaming "OH MY GOD NEXT YEAR IS GONNA BE AWESOME!" because she was in it this year, and again next year too. She then claimed me as a packing partner for mini-tour next spring break.

So today was good. Very good. After school, my friend Tara, who also made it, (after being in Chapel Choir with me) took me out, and we got smoothies together after eating dinner with her family. This is a huge deal to both of us, because we're very music oriented. And when I feel most alive in my faith, when I can FEEL the Holy Spirit in me, and really grasp what Jesus did... well, it's when I'm singing. I'm so grateful for this opportunity, and I can only hope that I don't disappoint. I'm going to try my hardest, and improve at everything.

On another note, the Something Corporate binge still goes full swing. I'm gonna try and get my laziness out of the way and download their whole collection. I've only got fifteen songs. Right now, I'm listening to "Konstantine" for the ten zillionth time. Haha. I'm very excited to learn how to play it on piano. Just need to get the amount of ink necessary to print out 19 pages worth of music. xD DAMN YOU ANDREW MCMAHON! SUCH LONG SONGS. But beautifulness.

SOMEONE GET ME SOME NEW MUSIC, GOD DAMN IT. haha. I'm so sorry to you people reading this-- I'll go on another binge soon. You're all FUCKED when the new Paramore album comes out. There'll probably be a whole blog dedicated to the awesomeness that that's going to bring.

Anyways, I've got to get going. I'm giong to Trent's soon. Anddddd... fuck. I just remembered I was supposed to call his brother Seth about the poetry slam we were going to. I blame you, BlogSpot. Oh well. We'll have to do something else. I hope everyone has a good day and a good weekend. Peace and loves, dudes.





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