Sunday, April 12, 2009

Does A Human Ear Look Like A Human Ear In A Human Palm?

Yesterday was one of the coolest days of my life. The first part of it was a little bit of a bummer, because I was hanging out with my cousin Marlee, but she got a migraine, and so I ended up going home earlier so she could just rest and stuff. But at about four, Trent, who has made an appearance in these blogs before, and you should all remember him as the love of my life, came over. You see, we were waiting in anticipation for this house show, which La Dispute was playing at. For those of you who don't know who La Dispute is, you should definitely check them out on MySpace, and give them more than one listen-- I didn't like them at first, and then I listened to a it a few more times, and I discovered I love them! It just takes a bit to get used to. Anyways. There were six other bands playing at this show, and it was only six bucks to get it. The atmosphere was so close and personal; it was almost cooler than all the big bands I've seen in big venues. The line up we saw was The Confidence, Truth Be Told, Vanagon, and La Dispute. There was a band before The Confidence, but I didn't catch their name, sadly.

What I liked most is that most of these bands had a Christian message to tell. Yeah, yeah, I know, some people hate that. For example, during Truth Be Told, the guitarist Scott started talking about Jesus and his love for us, and two girls behind me decided to talk over him about how much they hate having religion shoved down their throats. How uncool is that? He wasn't shoving it, he was speaking about his beliefs. He really just wanted to tell everyone about it, in a non-confrontational way... And she just had the nerve to talk over him. I wonder if people realize how often we, as Christians, have your secularism shoved down out throats. Yeah. I bet NO ONE thinks of it that way. We have to make concessions and be politically correct for every other religion and denomination, but EVERYONE on God's green Earth is allowed to make fun of the Christians. What is up with that? So, in light of that, I think that two minutes of a guy talking between songs is perfectly acceptable.

You know, with all that talking about Jesus, I'd just like to remind everyone that it is Easter. And even if you don't believe in God right now, I'd like you to think about it... I mean, he died for you. He suffered hell on the cross, to make up for every rotten thing you've ever done in your life. Think about it. Yeah, I know you know what I'm talking about. I've done things that are wrong too. But you know what the comfort is? I'm forgiven. You're forgiven. Jesus LOVES you, no matter how much you've done, no matter how worthless you feel, you are NEVER alone. He is with you, and he will never fail you. Look into the Bible. Seek Him out. I promise you that there's nothing to lose in this exchange. And everything to gain. My Bible teacher once told me something interesting. In an argument with an atheist, a professor of God's Word said, "Well, what happens if I'm wrong?" The atheist answered that he'd just die and nothing would happen. When the Professor asked, "What happens if I'm right?" The atheist had no answer. I'm not saying we should take an agnostic approach to God, but it just seems like a safer bet to me.

All right. I'm going to stop talking about my religion now. But if you're ever interested, you can check it here:

I'd like to wish all of you a blessed Easter, and happy eating... Take it easy on the chocolate bunnies, okay?



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