Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i could follow you to the beginning just to relive the start.

I hate not having internet. I miss my blog. The other day, I was literally desperate enough to try and do this on my phone, but my mobile net couldn't handle it, sadly.

Things of note that have happened lately...
~The seniors won powderpuff
~my job is excellent
~Trent and I have been dating for 8 months
~Hilde and Amanda getting together.


I finished my book.

That's right, ladies and gentleman (by which I mean...Tara and Farva) "Dismantle. Repair." is DONE at about 68,000 words. Finishing it was all at once the most accomplished and most heartbroken I've ever felt. Fear not, I might be writing a companion novel to it. (Not a sequel. Understand the difference, please.)

But yes. There will be another playlist book, hopefully. It depends on the opinions of my very few readers.

The new Paramore album came out. Go buy it. It's... amazing, simply put.

That's really all I have to say. I'm sorry, this is the lamest update ever. I've got three songs I need to put up, but they're all at home. Another day, I promise. Thanks for reading, again.



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