Sunday, September 13, 2009

these pages fill up too slow

Hey there. The internet is working again. ^^ The nice neighbors let me connect to their router, so we should be good now. I'm waiting for the newest Paramore song to load all the way on YouTube, because I don't want the first time I hear it to be ruined by a buffering symbol. I preordered the super special deluxe edition with my first paycheck from work as a birthday gift to myself. It sold out a week later. Thank God I managed to get one, haha.

I'm just kinda chill right now. I've got homework I should be doing, of course, but it's the first night with internet, and I'm having a strange burst of inspiration right now. I wrote some of my book today by hand at the church picnic. That never happens because I fucking HATE doing that, but it worked out okay. After I'm done with this blog, I think I'll type that up. I feel like I should be anxious-- I'm coming to the end of the book. Then I have to give it to Tara. But I'm acutally feeling kinda of proud. It's just a matter of the last few chapters and an epilogue. Then I have to find some sort of incentive to go back and actually REVISE some stuff, as opposed to editing. Gah. Revising is not my favorite thing, believe you me. Editing I dont' mind, but actually throwing away some of my hard work makes me want to cry.

Things have been a little stressful since school started, with all the quizzes and test right away, and then work and choir. I'm a class officer, and somehow ended up being editor-in-chief of the Red and White Newspaper. This on top of pretty much having to run CSP, since Mrs. Berg has no clue as to what she's doing. I'm not going to do yearbook, no matter how much Frau pesters me. I'll have an anxiety attack before the year is up if that happens.

It's nice to just chill and listen to music. I think I'm gonna look up some Kings of Leon, finally, since Paramore covered one of their songs. If even Paramore likes them, I must be missing out. Haha. I'll let you know how that goes. (Wow, this blog just feels like it has a very zen atmosphere, compared to my last few.) Anyways, I really should get some writing done.

This was really just a blog to let you know I'm alive, the few of you following along at home. I'm gonna try and write some new lyrics in the next few days. I'm not really sure what yet. Maybe when I finish my book I'll flesh out all the little choruses I wrote for those and put em up here-- you blog followers will have the secret knowledge of the WHOLE SONG. haha.

Wish me luck. Gotta be done by Halloween.

<3 Kayla

p.s. bane's caramel apple's are fucking orgasmic. eat one if you can. =]


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