Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's the sorta thing that makes you think too much.

People... aren't good to each other.

And it's depressing.

I watch people get hurt and used every single day, and I have an ache inside of me that wants to help every single one of them. I see people talking about each other and spreading horrible lies. I hear everyone's exultant laughter when someone fails. The whole world waits to watch someone come crashing down.


Because we're humans. When we can't succeed at something, it's entertaining to watch another person fall down trying too. The people who are smart are painted as losers, and the people who are completely retarded are the ones we idolize.


Who knows. I've never understood it.

The point is, everything is fucked up. FUCKED. UP.

And I'm sick of it. I want to change things-- not only at our little school, but on a larger scale. I'm tired of people with two faces. I'm tired of my best friend PRETENDING to be my best friend. I am fucking sick of feeling disconnected from my best friends. I want my life back. And I'm going to have it back, even if I have to fight for it.

And I'll help others do the same thing.

Let's reclaim the goodness that we had. The innocent fun. Let's all go to one more concert, and sit in circles in the Commons, laughing like there's no tomorrow.

I'm done with being the ghost. If you're thinking of trying to put me down or hold me back... watch out. Because I'm not going to take it anymore.

"This is just a declaration of what I've felt. It's my time, this is just your resignation from our lives. It's time to FORGET what makes me sick. You've gotta let me live!" --ETF


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