Friday, November 27, 2009


I meant to write this yesterday, but I got lazy. All that turkey made me sleepy.

We say thank you so much in our lives. So much that we don't even mean it half the time. We just say it as an automatic response, or as a "yeah thanks whatever" kind of thing. There are very few people who truly MEAN "i thank you for this" when they utter a thanks. I'll be the first to admit I'm guilty of this, I say thank you to people on the phone at work all the time for no particular reason other than to sound polite.

But when it comes down to it, we have to know the things we're truly thankful for. I think a lot of us take those things for granted. (Again, myself included.) So let me list a few things I'm glad to have, and I'll elaborate upon them a bit, after that.



~Great roleplaying sites

~Movie Theatres
~anywhere that feels like home
My cousin. My sister. Possibly the best member of my whole family. She never judges me, listens when I'm angsty, puts up with my ridiculous obsessions. She buys Harry Potter shirts with me. In short, she's the best friend I have. It's depressing that she's away most of the time, but that's the progression of life. I love her.

You are easily the best random occurrence of my entire life. I never knew what was missing from my life until you were there, so neatly filling the hole in my heart I'd given up on filling. You're sweet and loving, you have the best bedtime stories, and I'm looking forward to a life with you. If Marlee didn't hold the position of ultimate best friend forever, it'd go to you, but sorry, she's kind of got that wrapped up.

You're one of the few people left that I trust with all my secrets. And you always handle them so well. I'm sorry I burden you with so much talk, but I really have no where else to go sometimes. You're my best friend from grade school, and I will always make you mixes, no matter how far apart we are. And if "Dismantle. Repair." ever gets published, you get the first signed copy, I swear on my life.

This is the guy that engineered my happiness. I wouldn't have a soulmate if not for him, and I certainly wouldn't be as happy as I am now. You're another one of those surprise friends I ended up with next year, and I couldn't be happier. And I'm always here for you. I don't know why you forget this, but please don't.

You saved my life sophomore year. You gave me an outlet for pent up emotions that had been in hiding for months. And I miss you so much. One day, we're gonna rock out together and get drunk and do all that other fun shit, I promise. I'm gonna try and come to see you this summer. I want you to meet Trent and see how much happier I am with him.

The first friend I made in high school. We're still going strong, haha. You mean the world to me. Sometimes we don't see eye to eye, but that's okay. I'm a few inches shorter than you.

You were my first crush. I spent two and a half of my four years at Sem wishing I was with you. Now, I'm kind of seeing that it was never meant to be. You're my best guy friend from our class, even if you don't get my sarcasm half the time, and I probably make you feel awkward more than I should. Cuddling with you on the concert choir bus is always fun too. Haha.

You make fun of me almost as much as Hilde. But I know deep down you love me. Haha. You're like my brother. And you're welcome to my house anytime MLS gets to be too much for you.

My musical pal. I'll write lyrics for you anytime you like, and if More Than Conquerors every actually covers "Pressure", I'm more than happy to sing for you. I'm looking forward to more concerts and discussion together. Also, I'm sorry I put your screen name in Mystery Google, telling kids to talk to you about FTSL. =P

This band saved my life. That's all. I owe them forever, and I will always remain loyal to their music.

Gave me the courage to stand up to my mom. They also taught me how to have fun with music.

I just love these guys. And they can tell a wicked story. (See: A Shipwreck In The Sand)

This band helps me hold onto the scraps of faith I have left. They seem to know that I struggle, and combat that struggle with lyrics that make me wonder why I wonder.

I'm thankful for the version of this band WITH Craig Owens, for giving me the best concert of my life, and, despite almost killing me at Warped Tour, teaching me to enjoy moshing just a little.

I think the rest of the lists are self explanatory. But honestly, I'm truly thankful. These things and people and places mean the world to me.



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